Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cupcakes for Baby Ethan

Tadinya sih bikinin cupcake kaya gini buat Lia,... pas dia lahiran anak pertamanya, mikir-mikir... ngasi apa ya... yang beda gituuh... kalo baby stuff kayanya dah general banget.
Eh, taunya pas baby nya udah sebulan, dia nelpon minta dibikinin package yang persis sama kaya yang dulu.
" bikinin g 20 biji yah.."
she asked me to make her the same 20 packages (and later turned into 25).
Nervous? dikit....secara musti bikin semuanya sendiri (udah mulai kena morning sickness pula!)

yang paling bikin heboh sebenernya siiih.. itu loh... boneka2an kepala bayi yang ada di box nya.. ampun deh... trully handmade... musti di jait'in satu2.. duh.. laen kali mah beli ato minta orang laen bikinin aja kali yaaah... cape bener..:P

Congratulations to Budi and Lia on their new baby boy
(April 15, 2008) – Ethan Philip Halim.

Express Fruit Tart

Ini orderannya Stevanie, beberapa kali sms minta dibikinin " itu looooh... fruit pie yang ituu.. yang g demen itu,.. loe tau kan?" buat wedding anniversary papa mama nya tanggal 11 Mei ( ok,that would explain why THiS posting came just now, I'm just another lazzy..and bussy mom-to-be :D ).
hopefully, the big grin on her face will explain the satisfaction.

O iya,.. lupa - ini d bilang express fruit tart soalnya bikinnya buru-buru banget. Gapapa doong.. yang penting pas nerima commentnya " cantiik..."

" thanx ne.. tar kapan2 pesen lagi yaa... "

recipe : 'Professional Baking' 3rd Ed, by Wayne G.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Cheesecakes for the Birthday Girls

wi!I’ve been making this ChEEseCaKE since last year. I so remember my first debut with this kind of cheesecake. It’s all started on Mom’s birthday. She brought the cake to her church community, and she was left with a totally clean plate (and a request for the recipe).
This time, I made TwO for the birthday girls, Sasha and Fifi.
Happy Birthday you two! Hope the upcoming years will be loads of fun!
This is a ‘light’ kind of cheesecake, so if you’re expecting a creamy, thick cheesecake I guess it’s not an option (but some said it’s a cheesecake worth fighting for :p)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Say Hello to the Bunny!

This is a stay-at-home Easter. No visit back to Dan hometown, no traveling away from home. Just a few drops by to the church, leaving me realize how good He’s been to me.

Happy Easter everyone!
(no second thought on believing His grace)

Recipe: Dan

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Birthday Cookie Cake for Mariska

This is a rush-in-a-hurry creation. The event is just in front my eyes, but still don’t know what to make. I was in search for something practical, no time consuming, but nice to the eye product. After a little time spent with the internet, guess MaRTha comes with a little help here. A tiny package that would absolutely perfect for a wedding treats, I changed the color just to not make it so “bride and groom” material.
Well, happy birthday to Mariska then.. wish you...all the best!

Inspired by: Martha Steward

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cup a Cup

Here’s been euphoria for cupcakes (but I hope it’ll last). Cupcakes in for almost every occasion; kids birthday party (and adult as well), babies welcoming - and one month – celebration, companies events, not to mention wedding reception. It’s like everywhere, you can see them lining on the trays, packed in beautiful goody bags, or line up like X’mas tree.

I think maybe it’s the convenience that calls, you don’t have to mess up with knife and crumbs as when you do if you have to cut cakes into portions, and guests can hold it without getting their hands dirty. Cupcakes can also be decorated in so many ways; butter cream, chocolate ganache, icing, you name it. Count me in. For this Valentine Day – I'll follow the stream.

Recipe: NCC ( Fatmah Bahalwan)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Lapis Surabaya

It’s been a wonder to me - why it is named after one of Indonesian big cities, is it because of its origin? Its creator’s origin? Or its creator has something special with this city? (well, you can’t tell if he/she has his/ her first love there, right?) This is a very popular cake among the Indonesian since I don’t know when .

Consist of three layers of cakes (yellow – chocolate – yellow), attached together with some jam in between, this cake felt so smooth ( thanks to the extra yolk, not the artificial emulsifier) Actually, when I put my trial four weeks ago – with an auntie’s recipe-, I’m afraid that I might spoiled the eggS if I can’t bake it right, so I tried half of the recipe with only two layers instead of three. Since then, my uncle who lives next door keeps asking me when I’m going to make the real size, with three layers of course.

So there, I found my self cracking the eggs, split them into yolks and whites, (very time consuming but the result really worth the effort) creating my first Lapis Surabaya (this I made with less sugar so Grandma can also have a bite). Just be careful with the calories, it really needs an extra workout :)

Recipe: Te

Monday, January 14, 2008

Chocolate Muffins

In intention to provide a fresh warm baked goods for Dan and my lil brother (he’s here for a sleepover) and accidentally found this recipe in this lazy Saturday morning I forced my self to get up from the bed, creating this simple Chocolate Muffins. First catch it in LCB’s recipe book (fortunate finding in yesterday trip to Dan hometown – in the sale section of Periplus). All the ingredients are so easy to find, just a regular kitchen shelf stuffs, and what I like from it is that its contain no egg ( this what I love about baking our own food, you can always make it less sugar, less salt, less eggs – kind of try to control the cholesterol level here). The whole baking process won’t take you an age, just mix it all, scoop it, pop it into the oven and voila! Since the batter is not the ‘rise up high for the sky’ type, please feel free to fill up the tray/ paper case. I replaced the milk with some milk powder and the required amount of water (always the fastest solution when I got no ‘liquid’ milk in the fridge), omit the chocolate chip, and served it warm.
This muffin has a soft texture, even when it’s cooled already. According the book, these muffins can be frozen for up to 3 months.
Rule #1 : never overmixed the mixture - in making muffin with this method, or it'll go hard.

Chocolate Muffins
Makes 12

210 g plain flour
40 g cocoa powder
150 g caster sugar
2 tsp baking powder
250 ml milk
60 g unsalted butter, melted
¼ tsp vanilla extract
120 g semi-sweet chocolate chips

  1. Preheat the oven ( 180 C) and prepare a 12-hole muffin tin.

  2. Sift together the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, and a pinch of salt into a bowl.

  3. In a small bowl, mix together the milk, melted butter, and vanilla.

  4. Make a well centre of the dry ingredients and pour in the milk mixture. Stir until the liquid is just barely mixed in (the batter is supposed to be lumpy).

  5. Gently fold in the chocolate chips, place the mixture in the prepared muffin tin, filling each cup three-quarters full. Bake for 20 – 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the centre of a muffin comes out clean. Unmold and cool on a wire rack, serve warm or cold.

Recipe: Le Cordon Bleu Home Collection “Breakfast”

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year !!

Happy New Year !!
[it’s nice to have a vacation]

Nastar. To be honest, I never find it so enjoyable to make it. First of all it takes double effort, you have to mold the jam; then again, you have to mold the dough (with the jam in it). Second, when you’ve finally got it in the oven and you think it’s all done, you still got to take it out and polish the surface to make it a ‘good looking’ cookie.
I used to make this cookie with my mom, when the mood was right for her. And somehow, me and my siblings still prefer for another cookies with cheese (viva cheese lovers!), so kaastengel is still the winner.
Now that I’m married, I ‘d love to bake for Dan (give a little meaning to those childhood storybook – mom in the kitchen, bake something for us to have with a cup of tea, and .. we live happily ever after). I asked him once “ I’d like to make you some cookie, what do you prefer?” – “Nastar would be nice,…”. Next thing I know I find my self struggle with the whisk in my hand, trying to make the butter softer (my electric mixer was borrowed by my mom, I think it’s when she have the right mood). I never let my eyes off from the oven, being occupied with my thought that it is too hot that the cookie will cracked. But just when the “after hour” come , here what I get from the oven, good looking cookies lining in a tray, fully polished, fragrant and yellowish, and the best of it: no preservatives!

For Dan, nastar should be filled with a mouthful of pineapple jam (I mean mouthful). So far, we haven’t found what he’ looking for, the kind of nastar that available in the market serves us with bigger composition in the cookie dough – not the jam. For me, nastar should taste good, so it’ll lead to orders. :D

Recipe: Mom